1. Freedom's gardener :
Author: Myra B. Young Armstead.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Brown, James Francis,1793-1868.,Brown, James Francis,1793-1868.,African Americans-- Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.)-- Social conditions-- 19th century.,Free blacks-- Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.), Biography.,Fugitive slaves-- Maryland, Biography.,Gardeners-- Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.), Biography.,African Americans-- Social conditions.,Free blacks.,Fugitive slaves.,Gardeners.,Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.), Biography.,Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.), History, 19th century.,Maryland.,United States, Hudson River Valley., 0, 0, 7, 7
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